
The Communications Committee is the committee responsible for bringing the lodge’s communications and multimedia to you in a uniform fashion. With this, there are standards that have to be upheld, as outlined by the National Order of the Arrow, and we are constantly working to make sure that those standards are either being upheld or being improved so that they can be upheld.

The Communications Committee also upholds the branding guidelines set forth by the National Order of the Arrow, which is reflected into all publications, as well as various aspects of the website and social media platforms. For branding resources and guidelines, click here.

Communications Committee Chairman Vacant Position
Communications Committee Adviser Jon Baker

The Communications Committee manages all content put forth on the website, regulates all social media activity concerning our lodge, and reviews all LEC Meeting Minutes before they are published/distributed.

Click here to access our most current LEC Meeting Minutes





Wait a minute!

Have you paid this year's dues?

Dues help our lodge to function properly and allows you to attend all of our events, such as Winter Banquet, Fall Fellowship, and Fellowship Nights. Please pay your dues to be considered an active member in our lodge.