Lodge and Chapter Elections

If you are interested in joining our awesome team of elected Arrowmen in Mawat Woakus Lodge, please print and fill out the following forms and have them ready to go at Fall Fellowship.  They must be turned in by noon of Saturday of Fall Fellowship to the lodge adviser or designee.

2019 Lodge Officer Parent Form

2019 Lodge Officer Nomination Form

PLEASE NOTE: You will need a parent’s signature, your Scoutmaster’s signature, and an adviser signature for this position. Please wait to go to the adviser until you have the other signatures. 

If you have any questions about the election process for our lodge, please email lodgechief@mawatwoakus.org. 

Wait a minute!

Have you paid this year's dues?

Dues help our lodge to function properly and allows you to attend all of our events, such as Winter Banquet, Fall Fellowship, and Fellowship Nights. Please pay your dues to be considered an active member in our lodge.