Unit Elections


Unit Elections are going on now until February 28, 2019!

Contact your local Chapter Chief to schedule unit elections for this upcoming year. Elections will start on January 1, 2019 and end on February 28, 2019. Don’t know who your Chapter Chief is? You can find your chapter officers under the Lodge Leadership tab. All email addresses are set up regardless of whether you have a chapter chief or not.

Due to Youth Protection guidelines, elections may be scheduled with chapter advisers by phone, or chapter chiefs with the official chapter chief email addresses. If you have been contacted by phone already, please respond as soon as possible. Elections are scheduled on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Please remember to check your email often and stay organized during election season. If your chapter does not have chapter election teams organized, please volunteer your time so we can do our elections as efficiently as possible. After all, many hands make light work! Contact your chapter chief or chapter adviser for more information on how you can help on a local level.

Election Forms For Units:

Unit Election Guidelines – The guidelines for a youth or adult to be eligible for the Order of the Arrow.

Unit Election Report – The report of everyone eligible for the Order of the Arrow, the results of the election, the required number of votes needed for a candidate to be elected, and the date/location of the unit’s summer camp for the callout ceremony.

Adult Recommendation Form – The form that unit leaders should fill out to be considered for the Order of the Arrow. Forms should be filled out prior to the election and will not be accepted unless at least one youth is elected from that unit. A Scoutmaster is encouraged to fill out an Adult Recommendation Form if they are not already a member of the Order of the Arrow.

Wait a minute!

Have you paid this year's dues?

Dues help our lodge to function properly and allows you to attend all of our events, such as Winter Banquet, Fall Fellowship, and Fellowship Nights. Please pay your dues to be considered an active member in our lodge.